I was told yesterday that all normal people do to fall asleep is turn the lights off, get under their blankets and close their eyes. Turns out I can't do normal very well.
In other news, Terminator: Salvation is the dumbest movie I have ever seen. The bad shit starts pretty much with the arrival of John Connor (Christian Bale) and continues right till the incredible, unbelievable stupid ending. It started off well enough. Sam Worthington who I've never seen before is a convicted prisoner awaiting execution. Helena Bonham Carter is some sort of cancer stricken scientist who wants to use his body for Skynet purposes. There's a little bit of dialogue and a kiss between the convicted killer and the dying scientist which ends with the line "So that's what death tastes like" which is pretty much the highlight of the entire movie.
You can stop reading this right now Dear Diary. Honestly. Bale makes his appearance shortly thereafter with his copter landing on a terminator and Bale stepping out to put two bullets into the Terminator's head. Head shots kill these machines apparently even though it looks like the bullets bounced off. The Terminators look like some sort of mechanized zombies for the most part and and the fight scenes are the usual loud noisy shakey camera scenes where you can't really see anything. Anyway, Bale finds out that he's number two on the Skynet hit list with Kyle Rees being number one on that list. For those of you who remember, Rees is actually John's father although at this time he's still a teenage boy and younger than John. It takes John a good 15 minutes to come to the startling conclusion that once Skynet kills of Rees then he's pretty much a goner too. Bale looks pretty much like a genius when he comes up with the line "No Kyle Rees and there's no John Connor."
So anyway, the movie carries along on its merry way. Sam Worthington's character is brought back from the dead then dies after an epic fight with the classic Terminator C-800 only to be resurrected so he can sacrifice himself for the greater good cause "everybody deserves a second chance." I've never seen a more unnecessary character in Hollywood but Worthington is pretty good at what he does and seems like he could be an action hero in the same mould as Jason Statham.
The movie ends on an optimistic note and I guess there are another couple of movies before this comes to its end but man, this movie is very fucked. Easily Bale's worst role/ performance ever. Don't know what he was thinking and he looks like he was sleep walking through most of it. I went into this movie knowing it was going to be bad and overblown but even I wasn't prepared for this level of suckage. Terrible.
In other news, playing the new Goatwhore and Anaal Nathrakh back to back is one hell of a trip. The new Goatwhore especially is filled from start to finish with some of the most aggressive thrash/ death riffs I've heard in a while and its a good deal better than A Haunting Curse which I totally loved. The Nathrakh is a complete fucking classic. Enough said.
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