Strange thing happening over the last few days. A missed call at around 11.30 from an unknown number. Yesterday and today I picked up. It turned out to be a cross connection. I eves dropped. Man and woman. Talking in Hindi. Making plans to meet. Identical conversations on both nights. The woman is loud and the man is whispering. It's happened before. They're always having the same conversation. At least when I've answered and listened in. Maybe they talk about other stuff when I don't answer.
Don't know why I didn't put this up before. We got on a Motorhead tribute. People seem to like it.
Don't know why I didn't put this up before. We got on a Motorhead tribute. People seem to like it.
Glad you're back,are you a nihilist of some sort. I'm sorry if it's too personal a question.
you can ask anything. if it's too personal i won't answer
no, not a nihilist just a cynic.
It's only a short leap to nihilism,trust me,You should read ligotti's The conspiracy against the human race.
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