Sunday, February 27, 2005

The Crossing Guard

As a rule I give right of way to the pedestrian. This has made me see something. When it’s a couple about to cross the road. I stop. Let them cross even though the male has made no move to cross. The woman is happy, smiling, the man looks fucking pissed. I even get the occasional mouthed thank you from the woman. The man is surly, disgruntled. Every time. Every fucking time. Why ? Have I hurt his ego ? Like fuck man, I could be running over you.. Won’t hurt to show your gratitude fucking scum. Learn something from the women who walk by your side.


Murphy said...

Women are not nicer if that's the implication.

reeferjournal said...

Maybe not nicer but they smile a whole lot more. :)

JP said...

Perhaps only at rosey-cheeked young Khandiges.

Murphy said...

Though that's a very sweet thing to do. If anyone does that for me, and believe me in Delhi it's a very big thing, I do a very theatrical round of thank-yous with a lot of bowing and flailing of arms. My happiness makes me an easier target to get run over by impatient motorists.