Tuesday, December 21, 2004

How Knowledge Got Her Groove Back

Knowledge is in a foul mood today. Nobody really wants her anymore. Brother Ignorance is running wild. All powerful. She walks the street in a dark dangerous sulk. And yes knowledge can be dangerous and not just in the hands of fools.

She has lost her colour. She has lost her groove.

She sits down at heavenshore café. Asks for an espresso. Make that a double. She chain smokes gold flake till her eyes water and her stomach is all topsy turvy. The double espresso only makes matters worse.

She sits arms folded, her soft tragic face a picture of discontent. A finger curls a knot of hair. You see, knowledge was no longer in fashion. She was fashionable for a while. But now ? An outcast. People had embraced ignorance. Her brother. Her love for him matched by her hatred for him. She could hear herself die bit by bit. She will remain only in history now. That is enough for her to survive but not good enough for her to live.

She can only do so much for her continued survival. It is the people who decide. Sister Knowledge or Brother Ignorance. Sister Apathy is rising from sleep ever so quickly and she may toss a lock of her hair into the game at anytime. Everything could be lost if Apathy got into the game.

She walks on. Observant as ever. She dies with every step and with every step she is made privy to more ignorance. She observes. The dark sulk goes away. She is standing on the street. Her long white dress is perfectly still. Ignorance will win this fight. She is sure of it. She can almost hear her brother’s mocking laughter. The people have spoken. “I will survive in history and come back to this war when I can. Till then brother, you can have them.” The people get what the people deserve. She smiles. She walks on. She can hear the sound of a music. A bittersweet symphony. She loves this song. Sister Apathy has gone back to sleep. She smiles. She dances…. On and on and on.


Murphy said...

Knowledge dances barefeet.

JP said...

Knowledge is a disregarded country cousin in shit-stained rags in this age of information.

Anonymous said...

ahaha! in our house, my sisters wisdom. talk about being far off the mark.

Murphy said...

I don't think it's the weed.

reeferjournal said...


Murphy said...

I love this post and all but you need to update.